Challenge 2012

A page to detail my progress in the "creative every day" challenge: 

April = 'Language'

Watch this space

March = 'Mixed Media'

I've bought an old map of the world and intend to create something relating to the places I have travelled to in the past!

After painting the canvas blue, I added a variety of countries that I've been to and ones I hope to travel to soon. I added the quote "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page" by St Augustine and then sewed in red the routes I have already travelled. Here's the finished result:

February = 'Night'

I have never considered myself a good painter/drawer. However, this month I am going to try to sketch/paint a piece about the night, preferably at night, and will document my progress!

After an initial burst of energy I then lost momentum after randomly scrawling what I believed to be a lakeside scene at night... at least that's how I saw it. Unsatisfied with where the sketching was going I decided to focus on watercolours.

I'm not entirely sure where the idea for this picture came from, but I started by blending blues together to create a sky, with the sun glimmering over a horizon.

I have always liked silhouettes so decided to add a figure, looking out towards the horizon. Aware that I cannot draw people freehand, I chose to create the figure then glue it to the background to avoid messing up what I had already done!

I decided to call this piece 'Perception: Sunrise, Sunset'. I have not decided what time of the day it is - whether it is the beginning of something or the end.

January = 'New'

Difficult to start! I'm not a fan of silence. I found myself spending the first ten minutes doing mundane tasks in an obvious attempt to hide from the quiet.
Eventually I did sit down and jotted down a few ideas that I remembered coming to me in the last week or so. I also (finally) got on with a Little Mermaid cross-stitch pattern that is almost finished... I might even try to complete it this evening.
After the initial struggle to relax I ended up reading quite a bit of 'Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban' - and a strange concept came to mind - what if in the Harry Potter books 'magic' was substituted for 'creativity'? That the Death Eaters are the big conglomerate chains and Harry et al are the independent artistes vying for attention/recognition/freedom to create? I'm not quite sure where that idea is going... but it was quite interesting when it popped into my mind!
I was away at the weekend and so failed miserably at having my one hour of creativity a day. However, the 3 hour train journey each way did give me time to read more of the Harry Potter book I'm re-reading and also detail some of the ideas previously mentioned about creativity/magic - I'm still not convinced I've made sense of what I'm thinking, but it was interesting to explore the story from a different angle. I also did some scribbling for a theatre project I wanted to embark upon a few years ago - maybe this will help get the ball rolling?
Woah! Bad blogger - in my truly technophobic way I have neglected to update my progress. And I must admit, I'm quite pleased with what I have done this month. Despite initial time reading and sewing, I ended up with a peculiar large puzzle (each piece A3 size) depicting creativity and influenced by the nine muses from Greek mythology. It was a group project and three friends and  I spent hours doodling, cutting, pasting etc and it was such fun! I shall endeavour to keep giving myself TIME to do more creative things!