Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Mixing It Up! (Challenge: March 2012 - 'Mixed Media')

I finally completed my piece inspired by the February theme 'Night'. After some appalling scribbling, I settled on using watercolours to create a sky scene with the sun just visible over a horizon. Then I added the figure of someone looking towards the horizon. The piece is titled 'Perception: Sunrise, Sunset' as I am unsure which part of the day it resembles - or whether it resembles the beginning of something or the end of it... I'll let you come to your own conclusions.

The end result is not quite how I saw it in my mind, but I think I need a bit more practice with a paintbrush before my hand-mind co-ordination improves!

The new theme in the challenge is 'mixed media'.

My gut instinct is to create a 3D map of my travels in 2010-2011... Watch this space!

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